The opening of the game in chess
The opening is the first part of the game of chess. This is weighing each player brings out their pieces and raised them for battle.
The principles of the opening
Gain control of the center of the board when you began the game of chess you'll want to put your pieces in the center of the board and the reason why is because the center of the board offers you the most opportunities of movement you could consider the middle of the board has a high ground.
Don't move the same piece twice in the opening of the game.
Don't bring out the clean early in the game.
Make moves that she multiple goals
Castle early in the game.
The middle game in chess
The middle game is weighing a most of the chess pieces have been developed.Mobility. Mobility means a better position for you. The more mobility earpiece is half the more flexible you can be with you or chess piece movements. And remember the center of the board offers the most mobility.
King safety. Guard a you're king, this is always important, but especially important during the middle part of the game.
Pawn structure. You will want to have a strong pawn structure. You will want to defend your chest army with your least valuable pieces. This means the pawns. Use your ponds to defend the stronger pieces on the board in this way you'll be better able to attack with your strong pieces rather than having to constantly defend the strong pieces.
The ending of the game in chess
When most of the chess pieces have been exchanged between the two players the final part of the game has started. When you play the endgame it requires great focus because a single move can remove a winning strategy.A lot of endings are drawn because neither opponent has enough material to win the game. Draws can be achieved in different ways.
The game can end by agreement.
By perpetual check. If the position is repeated three times with the same player having the right to move in then game is drawn. An example of this is when one of the players can get checked move after move and at the same time the opponent can move out though of the check.
A draw can be achieved by the 50 move rule. The 50 move rule is when both sides have played 50 successes moves without advancing upon or making a capture.
A draw can be achieved by stalemate.
A check is in move that threatens an opponent's king with capture. If you're king is threatened with a check you must make a move so that the King is saved.
A check can lead to checkmate. A checkmate is weighing the caning is in check and cannot escape. Obviously this is the object of every chess game. To get checkmate use moves that both attack the enemy king and prevents your opponent from making any countermoves to get away from attack. If you checkmate your opponent again and again - the game is over and you have won because the king can not get out of check.
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