Chess Board
Good manners: chess
In chess there are things called good etiquette. Good etiquette is like good manners in chess to move the peace once you have touched it is considered good etiquette. This is often known as the touch move rule. In competition is rule is strictly enforced.If one of your pieces is not squarely positioned in its square UK and adjust its if you first say "I adjust". Although most traditionalists will say it in French "j adoube".
How the pieces of chess move
I'm the first move of the game for the pawn it is allowed to move forward one or two squares. After this though a pawn and can only move one square at a time.
The pawn can move forward but not backwards. Paul's are the least powerful pieces on board name because they are restricted in their movements.
Pawn promotion: chess
We know pawns are not as powerful as other pieces, but they can have a great influence on again. A pawn and can be promoted to a queen, rook, bishop, or knight or whatever the player who owns it chooses to make it. The only exception is it cannot be a King. It can be promoted once it reaches its eighth route which is the very end of the opposite side of the board. A player can promote more than one pawn. You can even make all of your pawns a queen.Since the queen is the most powerful piece on the chess board a player who promotes a pawn and usually chooses to make it a queen.
The knights in chess
The night is considered one of the minor pieces of the chess sets. The other being the bishop. The bishop and the night are roughly equal in strength in each of them is worth about three pardons. The night and the bishop are not as powerful and therefore less valuable thing rooks and queens.
A night moves and Anne L. shaped pattern. This L-shaped can be made in any direction it can travel to squares and a one square or it can move one square and then to squares. The night is the own chess piece that can jump over other pieces on the chess board. Then I can capture a piece so long as it lands I this way or that piece is occupying.
The bishop in chess
A bishop can move diagonally and can move along and number of squares until it is blocked by another piece. Each player will have two bishops. You will have a bishop on a light-colored square any other bishop will be on a dark colored square. The move diagonally odd in that color square a start on.The rook in chess
The rook is considered a stronger piece compared to the night or bishop. A rook is worth about the same as the bishop and to pawns. Chess the rooks and Queens are considered the major pieces on the board. The rook like the bishop can move in any amount of squares in a straight line until it is blocked by his way or that is occupied by another piece.The queen in chess
The queen is considered the most powerful piece on the chess board. The queen is the most powerful piece on the board because it can move will move amount of squares 80 to all eight different directions. The queen can move forwards, backwards, and move left or right and along all diagonals.The value of the pieces in chess
In a chess set, the clean and of the rook are the major pieces since they have the most power on the board. The less invaluable pieces on the board that are considered minor pieces all the night's and the bishops. Each piece has an approximate value.A pawn is considered one unit of strength
A queen is worth nine pawns
A rook is worth five pawns
A bishop is worth three pawns
Knights are worth three pawns
These are rough values but they can help you decide what pieces to capture if you have two options and are not certain which of your opponent's piece is you should capture. Giving the pieces values can also help you determine which person is ahead in the game.
The King in chess
The king is the most important piece of the game. He must be guarded very carefully. Because if you're king is checked Mated then the game is over and you will have lost.The king can move in any direction one square at a time. The king can also capture other pieces just like all the other pieces. You can not make them move that places you're king and check.
Castling in chess
Castling is a special move that involves both the king and the rook. It is the only time that a player can move to pieces on the same turn. Castling was invented during the 16th century as a way of making the game faster. But in order to use this technique the king and the rook must still be in their starting positions. Castling can only be done by each player once during the game. Castling is when the king and the rook move side by side.Check and checkmate in chess
CheckA check is in move that threatens an opponent's king with capture. If you're king is threatened with a check you must make a move so that the King is saved.
A check can lead to checkmate. A checkmate is weighing the caning is in check and cannot escape. Obviously this is the object of every chess game
Castling is a special move that involves both the king and the rook. It is the only time that a player can move to pieces on the same turn. Castling was invented during the 16th century as a way of making the game faster. But in order to use this technique the king and the rook must still be in their starting positions. Castling can only be done by each player once during the game. Castling is when the king and the rook move side by side.
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